Punjab Governor Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar on Wednesday said the government would succeed in establishing Riyasat-e-Madina by overcoming the problems such as injustice, violence and corruption in the society.
He was addressing 75th Annual session of Pakistan Engineering Congress (PEC) and later talking to media persons he said that in a Year 2020 will prove to be the year of economic revolution. Provision of basic facilities like health and education is the mission of our government.
The governor said that water scarcity was a big challenge for Pakistan and measures were being taken on emergent basis to do away with this problem.
He said that universities have been tasked to focus on Cloud Technology and Robotics. Ch Sarwar said that engineers are builders of the nation and they are playing an important role in economic development.
He added that Pakistani engineers have not only proved their metal in the country but also in the outer world. “I have told all the universities that we need to focus on cloud technology and robotics.” Pakistan is faced with greater challenge of water shortage and today water problem is a matter of country’s survival. We are direly in need to bring modern and innovative techniques in agriculture sector. Today on the birth anniversary of Quaid-i-Azam, we have to renew our pledge for transforming Pakistan into Quaid’s Pakistan.
Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah had faith in supremacy of the law and justice and today his political sagacity proved that ‘Two Nations Theory’ was absolutely right. Miraculous personality like Quaid-i-Azam is born in thousands years.
PTI government under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan is making Jinnah’s Pakistan and we need to follow Quaid’s basic points of Faith, Unity and Organization to get strengthened and to foil enemies’ conspiracies.